Please click the “Donate” button below and enter the one-time or recurring amount you’d like to donate to New Heart Ministries, Inc. using a credit card or your PayPal account to process your tax-deductible donation. We appreciate your gifts and monthly donations!
If Andrew & John Eastmond have blessed and encouraged you, please prayerfully consider a donation to New Heart Ministries, as they travel full time sharing the Gospel! Your gift is tax-deductible and your love is helping save the lost and transform minds, hearts and lives!
This year begins 40 years since New Heart Ministries, Inc. was founded as a non-profit corporation by Andrew & Kathy Eastmond; offering encouraging services of music, preaching, and prayer in churches, prisons, home bible studies, outreaches, rehabs, and homeless shelters. Andrew & their son, John, are a Father & Son team desiring to save the lost as well as strengthen and edify the body of Christ through their music and teaching!
Thank You and we pray the Lord blesses You!!!